Monday, February 6, 2012

The turtle may finish slow, but he finishes!

I was checking my Facebook page, and I saw a picture posted by a friend.  It came from I <3 running's Facebook photo album.    It said "No Matter How Slow you go, You are still lapping everybody on the couch." Under the picture it said "Whether it's a 14 minute mile or a 6 minute mile, it's still a mile."   Here's the link to the page if you want to see it!

I love this, mostly because I am not a fast runner.  I would love to be faster and continuously work on my speed.  Often, I think speed is the most intimidating factor when running.  As we walk everyday for thirty minutes, what speed are you going?  Fast or Slow, all that really matters is that you go!

Have you been walking for awhile and think running is out of your league?  Why not just try a little more speed?  Speaking of lapping everyone around the couch...Did you know that the Couch-to-5k app, and podcasts are free?  It's a simple download from iTunes.  Listen to as you walk/run.  I think it's an easy transition from walking.  The speaker gives you advice as your start walking, and lets you know when it's time to run and pick up your pace.  The nine week program helps you gradually increase your run time, while still walking in between.  This gradual increase is also great for after an injury or time off from running.  Even if we are ready mentally to run 5 miles, our bodies may not be.

Having a fairly recent surgery, I am working on coming back to running, and this program is just what I needed.  It reminds me to take it slow.  Taking it slow, may not always be the first to the finish line, but moving your body for good health is always a win!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Balance is the key to Life

Recently we've had a lot of snow in the Great Northwest.  My family in Kentucky even heard the snow was coming on their local news.  So with the snow came great adventures: sledding, shoveling, snowballs, shoveling, snowmen, shoveling.  You see the pattern here?  It made me think about my life.  If my life were like a snow day, I would have equal amounts of play, work, and exercise.  However all too often, my life is more work, a little exercise and even less true play.

In honor of this seeking of balance, my family and I have found that Washington rocks, which are round and flat, stack nicely.  We have begun to collect them from the beach or while hiking places.  We have them set up around the house, and my husband even has them in his office.  It has become our symbol of balance.  If one rock becomes overbearing or tips the others, the rocks fall and then everything is off-balance.

To have balance is difficult.  Each piece must be carefully placed on the other, and yet it depends on the other piece to hold it in place.  I love this picture of our snow covered stacking rocks.  My reminder to keep  balance in my life

This week, reflect on your days.  Are they all work and no play?  Are they all work and no exercise? What will you create as a reminder to find the balance you need?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

When you First Think About It...

This poster hangs in my closet.  It's old.  I stress an OLD, Nike ad.  I've had it for years and I tape to my closet door.  It has made many moves across the country.  It may be old, but it's still motivating, and so true.  If only I had just put on my running shoes, when I first thought of it!

Motivation is key to obtaining any goal.  It keeps you persevering even when you are ready to quit.  So to keep you on track for moving 3-6-5, here are few ideas for motivation:

1) Cut out your favorite sayings, quotes, or images that motive you and make a quick collage for your closet door.
2) Sign up for free workout music from and  Here's the link where you can enter your email to receive workout songs this month. 
What's better than free motivating music?
3) Tell a friend your goals and use each other to keep you on track.  Being accountable to someone gives you extra motivation to stick to it.
4) Keep coming back to this blog for more ideas how to keep moving everyday for better health!

Have you been walking this week?  What will help motivate you to move everyday?