Monday, December 26, 2011

Stressed spelled backward equals Desserts!

Stressed spelled backwards equals Desserts! Ever heard that before?  The truth is our body takes stress and makes it equal hunger!  If you are not controlling your stress in a healthy way, your system will elevate levels of the hunger hormone, ghrelin into your body.  This makes you feel hungry, and “favours the accumulation of lipids in visceral fatty tissue, located in the abdominal zone…”according to (May 20, 2009). 

With this knowledge we have to take deliberate healthy steps to reduce our stress.  I am going to challenge you to walk for the month of January, 30 minutes every day.  Now this is not just walking around the block with your dog or walking the aisles at Wal-Mart.  I am talking about a planned, intentional walk to get your body moving and heart rate up.  Just doing this everyday will make you feel better and keep those stress induced hormones down!

Fit it into your schedule when it works best for you and commit to it.  This is as important as a good breakfast and taking care of your children or pets.  You have to take time to take care of you!

What time of day are you choosing?  Do you have a buddy to walk with you?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What move-365 is all about!

This blog is dedicated to my friends, both mommy types and career types.  As women we often put ourselves last, especially when it comes to our health.  We'll take the kids to the doctor after a day of fever and sniffles, but we tend to tough it out.  We'll even give medical advice to the coughing colleague next to us, but continue to drag ourselves to work without thought to how we feel.  

This being said, I am here to motive my friends, and hopefully a few followers to take care of themselves first.  Just like in an airplane, put your oxygen mask on first, then help others around you.  If we don't take care of ourselves, how can we be our best to take care of others when we need to be there?  

So here is my challenge to you!  Move-365...  move everyday of the year for 30 minutes.  You don't have to go to the gym, or hire a personal trainer.  It can be as simple as a walk, going up and down your stairs, or lifting your can goods.  Just move in some way everyday.  I'll give you ideas along the way to keep you motivated and living healthy!